John Oliver is angry. The Last Week Tonight host started a hashtag after Jamie Dornan was announced as the male lead in the hotly anticipated film adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey, saying the actor "has all of the charisma of a sandwich bag filled with iceberg lettuce." The hashtag #NotMyChristian took off and now Oliver is back in a Web exclusive to hilariously audition for the part, despite the movie being completed.
Oliver admits in the video below that sometimes he goes too far on his HBO show.
"In the grand tradition of television personalities who've made mistakes, I would like to offer a half-hearted, condescending apology that I don't really mean," he said.
The #NotMyChristian movement was meant to protest Dornan's casting because Oliver does not agree that the actor is the perfect choice as a character that author E.L. James described as "the epitome of male beauty." The casting choice was "unimaginative" on Hollywood's part, and Oliver is upset he wasn't even considered. He then proceeded to record his audition for "a movie that's already been made, based on a book I have never read."
The lights dim behind Oliver as he offers a few phrases from Wikipedia and a short plot description of 1999's She's All That. Check out the funny monologue below.
Last Week Tonight returns Feb. 8 on HBO.
Making a movie as highly sexual as Shades calls for an equally sexy soundtrack. Beyoncé is featured on the tracklist a few times while The Weeknd, Sklar Grey and Annie Lennox all made the cut as well. Queen Bey also got the honors of lending music to the trailer.
Dornan shared his uncertainty about how the movie would be received earlier this month.
"Fifty Shades of Grey is first and foremost a romantic love story, and sex is only part of that. People who haven't read the books might be surprised that there isn't more sex on the screen, but that's because they've gone by media reports of Fifty Shades, which have tended to err on the side of the sensational," he said.
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