Multi-Grammy winner, head of the studios at both Juilliard and Aspen, responsible for more new works than any other player, yes, Sharon Isbin is the very model of a modern, major guitarist.
Not only does Ms. Isbin reign supreme as thee international heavyweight of the classical guitar, clearly, she's a woman--the undisputed, XX-chromosomed champion of, regrettably, an all too often hyper-masculinized instrument and repertoire.
To boot, Sharon Isbin is also gay.
It's a fact we first learned in 1995, back when Isbin came out, apt enough, to Out Magazine. Next to her huge discography, legacy through students and the sheer amount of notes she's commissioned for six strings, said fact reads more like a footnote curio.
Not that Isbin's sexuality doesn't come up in Susan Dangle's PBS-produced documentary about her, Troubadour. Hell, there's even a clip of her L-Word cameo alongside Pam Grier.
Of course, you won't find that footage anywhere on YouTube. As if to say that Sharon Isbin--the performer, the teacher, the impresario--are much more important roles than any gender or bedroom ones, what you will find all over the internet are glorious clips of Ms. Isbin doing and being what she's so obviously the best at.
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