Kings of Leon perform 'Mechanical Bull' cuts, parody 'Duck Dynasty' on 'Saturday Night Live' [VIDEOS]

The Saturday Night Live stage got a little dose of rock this week, courtesy of Kings of Leon.

Kings of Leon are a slightly curious choice for SNL. The alt-rocker's most recent album Mechanical Bull dropped back in October. However, the family band does have a North American tour quickly coming up starting in Atlanta on Feb. 5. Luckily, they proved they still have the power to fill arenas with both fans and huge sounds on the New York City studio stage.

KOL kicked things off with its third Mechanical Bull single "Temple." The mid-tempo rock song got a straightforward rendition, with all four Followills (and a surprise third backup guitarist) perfectly nailing all the cues. Caleb Followill was the real star of the night. Not just because of his on-point vocal performance, but his peachy pink dad cardigan stole the spotlight. Seriously. Look at that thing. How cozy!

Kings of Leon, of course, performed a second song from Mechanical Bull and decided to slow things down with "Wait For Me," the album's second official single. Once again, everything was on point, and while the track doesn't have quite the musical power of their uber-ballad hit "Use Somebody," it still manages to fill any space its in to the fullest.

It may have taken them quite some time, but Kings of Leon have proved it's a bona fide arena rock band.

Watch "Wait For Me" below.

Kings of Leon didn't simply perform its own music on SNL -- the rockers also made a quick cameo in one of the comedy show's sketches. When Bobby Moynihan's Guy Fieri impression came back for "The Guy Fieri Full Throttle Christmas Special," KOL quacked through a ridiculous Ducl Dynasty parody, complete with big ol' scruffy beards and plenty of camo.

Kings of Leon, Saturday Night Live, Mechanical Bull, Duck Dynasty
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