R. Kelly claims 362 songs were recorded for 'Black Panties' sessions

Many musicians and bands record extra tracks when they're working on a new album, hence why The Beatles are still releasing totally new rarities during December 2013. Annnnnd sometimes we get the idea that performers might exaggerate just how many total songs they lay down during the recording process. R. Kelly was definitely setting the standard for one or the other when he told CRWN that he had created 362 tracks during the process of making Black Panties.

Yes. You could make one of those day-by-day calendars for 2014 that would almost feature a new R. Kelly dong every day. Too bad this product hasn't been available yet.

The album itself, which dropped last week, only featured 13 of those songs. Those 13 led to a slew of mixed reviews from critics, meriting a total of 62/100 on Metacritic.com. Kind of makes us worried that if these were the best 13 tracks, what's leftover in the other 349? One would have to figure a deluxe edition will be available down the road.

Speaking of critics, Kelly's revelation regarding the album occurred during a segment where he was discussing the single "Shut Up," a track aimed at his hater critics. This may lend some validity to his claims...maybe...since the comment was so off-the-cuff.

Kelly proved earlier in the year that he was no slouch at improvising lyrics, as he took several random topics given to him by Rolling Stone and turned out sex ballads about them. Particularly interesting was "Sex Dolphin," a short song that incorporated dolphin squeals into a orgasm-type noise.

Black Panties is expected to sell around 100,000 copies during its first week, although it got blindsided by the Beyonce sales phenomenon.

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