Tom Delonge of Blink-182, Angels & Airwaves Opens Up About Aliens in Intense 'Paper' Interview

Tom DeLonge: probable

In a new interview with Paper Magazine, DeLonge opened up about his history with otherworldly beings. And he's not messing around.

"You have to understand, I've been involved in this for a long time. I have sources from the government. I've had my phone taped. I've done a lot of weird stuff in this industry -- people wouldn't believe me if I told them," he said. "But this is what happens when you start getting on an email chains with hundreds of scientists from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and different universities around the country, and you start outing seniors scientists from Lockheed Martin talking about the reality of this stuff, guys that hold 30 patents, guys that work underground out in the Nevada test sites in Area 51. It goes far beyond just saying, 'Hey, that little light in the sky, that's a little green man.' That doesn't lend the right gravity to the topic."

DeLonge, who opened up about his belief in aliens in the Blink-182 track "Aliens Exist" and through Angels & Airwaves, fancies himself an expert on the topic. And he means serious business.

"I'm reading books on physics, I'm reading books on the secret space program, I'm talking to people that work underground for six months at a time, that are confiding in me about the national security initiatives. I've literally read 200 books on the subject, and I don't spend my time looking at UFO reports or talking to little green men. I'm way past that," DeLonge explained, also noting that he has an interest in ESP and communication with aliens.

The whole interview is fascinating - DeLonge is a serious aliens fanatic. Read the whole Q&A over at Paper.

Tom Delonge, Blink-182
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