Video hit the Web yesterday of Afroman punching a female fan at a Mardi Gras concert down in Biloxi, Mississippi, Tuesday, Feb. 17. The video went viral and the backlash against the "Because I Got High" rapper has been pretty stiff. He went to TMZ to try to clear his name in the public eye.
"I wanna apologize for my actions," Afroman started. "I'm enrolling in some anxiety foundation right now ... I love my fans. I go early these days to meet and greet them, hang out with them. It was an early show. I usually play at night and I've had my dinner, I medicate and I get right. But it was an early show [and] it was Mardi Gras. I had to walk like a half a mile to get to the place. I had my frustrations to make a long story short."
The story does not end there because even after walking a half mile to the venue -- why couldn't he get a cab? -- things soured with a few unruly fans in the front row.
"I had a guy that was on the side of the stage, he was yelling at me, yelling some obscenities I don't wanna really repeat," Afroman added. "But these girls got on stage and I asked them to leave, I was trying to keep rapping. One girl left and I thought both of them left and the guy was still over there hollering from the side of the stage. So as I'm playing I'm thinking it's the guy starting [to] heckle. When people get onstage you don't know what they're doing [and] you don't know what's gonna happen next. I'm just trying to do my job. I thought it was that guy ... It was wrong."
Afroman was escorted off the stage after punching the fan and promptly arrested. The performer paid a $330 bond to get out of jail, according to WLOX 15.
If you did not see the incident before, watch Afroman really give it to this woman who tries to interrupt his guitar solo.
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