Ozzy Osbourne criticizes politicians for capitalizing on Nelson Mandela's Death

Ozzy Osbourne spoke out recently about his belief that politicians have used the death of Nelson Mandela to their own benefit for public image. In an interview for his cover story with NME, he discussed why he believes music and politics should not blend together.

In the interview, Osbourne stated: "I don't touch politics. I leave that to Bono. He won't be happy, now that his best mate Mandela has gone. But I'm not politically motivated. I sang songs about political situations, wars and that, but they're all f---ing liars if you ask me."

He went on to say: "It's sad that he's gone because he was such a good hope guy for so many people. But it became the clique thing to be photographed with Mandela, you know? He seemed like a good guy but he was fucking 95, at the end of the day. I bet he was tired! I think entertainers should stay entertainers and politicians should stay liars. If you say you'll do something and you can't do it, you should get fired, because you got your job under false pretences, I think so anyway."

Osbourne may believe that politics and music don't mix, but he's continued to feed the stereotype that music and drugs have a close correlation. He admitted earlier this year to relapsing, taking drugs and drinking, which led to a separation with wife Sharon Osbourne, and it surprised his fellow Black Sabbath band members. They recently spoke out with Classic Rock Magazine, about their disbelief that Osbourne was using while they were together.

Guitarist Tony Iommi said: "You know what, I couldn't believe it. He was working at my house and I didn't pick up on it at all. None of us did. He really hid that well. It was a shock, actually, when [Ozzy's wife] Sharon told me. I just couldn't believe he'd been drinking again. I didn't see any signs of it."

Ozzy Osbourne
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