Is Def Leppard planning to sue One Direction over 'Midnight Memories' / 'Pour Some Sugar On Me' similarities?

Are rumors that '80s rock band Def Leppard is looking to sue One Direction true? No, according to Def. They are not.

The whispers started when British newspaper The Mirror reported that Def Leppard drew issue with the title track from One Direction's new album, Midnight Memories. According to the paper, the similarity between the three-chord structure of the song's hook was a little too similar to "Pour Some Sugar On Me" for the rock band's tastes. Guitarists Vivian Campbell and Phil Collen poured water on the rumor however.

"The chords are one-four-five. Those are the blues. You don't get more basic than that," Campbell said. "That is very flattering that all of a sudden these kids think it's a cool sound. I think a lot of people of their generation aren't going to connect their music to ours."

Crisis averted, apparently.

What makes the story more interesting is that this isn't the first time One Direction has been accused of borrowing from its rocker predecessors. Some suggested that the opening to single "Best Song Ever" (also off Midnight Memories) was lifted from The Who's "Baba O'Reilly." Who guitarist Pete Townshend reacted similarly to Def Leppard, saying that his own guitar intro wasn't exactly original either, coming from a long history of popular music.

If you really need a One Direction rumor/conspiracy to get you through the day, you could always suggest that the pop group has used its ties to the British mafia to keep the rock bands quiet. Just saying.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article listed "Story Of My Life" as being similar to "Baba O'Reilly." The actual song that has been compared with The Who classic is "Best Song Ever," another One Direction track.

Def Leppard, One Direction, The Who
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