Iggy Azalea Explains Twitter Departure in New Interview, Reveals She's Working on 'The New Classic' Follow-Up [VIDEO]

Iggy Azalea: Trouble

Iggy Azalea: quit Twitter

After engaging in several Twitter battles with everyone from Azealia Banks to Steve Madden, Azalea finally pulled the plug and admitted that her life was the better for it.

"Of course I am [happier after quitting social media," she said. "Anyone is happier when they're not being verbally abused, I think it's pretty safe to say."

She further elaborated that the negativity she faced on Twitter was hindering her creative process as she records the follow-up to her debut album The New Classic.

"I think that it is dangerous to have that negative Internet culture, especially when you're someone who'd having to create things or someone who has to be upbeat and happy, it does affect your mood when you're creating things," Azalea said. "I'm in the middle of recording a second album and I really don't want to have some angry, aggressive ass album. Every time I come into the studio, I just feel like I want to punch everyone in the face and those are the only songs I'm able to write. I really need to get off the Internet.

"It makes me hate people, and I don't want to hate people. My job is entertaining people, and I love people... I prefer the actual polite world. If it's real or not, I don't know. But I like to live in this society."

[h/t Billboard]

Iggy Azalea
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