Cissy Houston Has Encouraged Bobby Brown To Take Bobbi Kristina off Life Support for Weeks

Four weeks after Bobbi Kristina Brown was found unresponsive and face down in her bathtub, there is still no change in her condition. There have been various rumors about the family preparing to take her off of life support at different times but it's a decision that ultimately rests with Bobby Brown. In spite of there being no improvement, he is still hoping for a miracle as the rest of the Houston and Brown families have slowly come to terms with reality.

According to a report by Fox News, even Bobbi Kristina's beloved grandmother, Cissy Houston, has suggested that it's time to remove the life support and let her go. We had heard weeks ago that the family was going to take her off of life support on Feb. 11 — the anniversary of her mother, Whitney Houston's death. Apparently there was something to that idea but at the last minute Brown reneged and decided to keep praying for a miracle.

Bobbi Kristina's boyfriend, Nick Gordon, remains completely out of the loop, banned from both the hospital and the home that the couple once shared. He has ranted on Twitter about the Brown family just looking to cash in on this medical crisis and how Bobbi Kristna's father hasn't been in touch with her for years. Gordon has also insisted that his presence would bring her back to real live. In spite of his words of love and support, Gordon has also taken steps to block the Roswell police's criminal investigation. He actually filed a restraining order against them to try and prevent law enforcement from executing search warrants. It certainly sounds like he is trying to cover something up, doesn't it?

Do you think that it's time for Brown to take his daughter off of life support? Will Gordon ultimately be charged in connection with Bobbi Kristina's medical condition? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Bobbi Kristina coma, Nick Gordon investigation
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