'Glee' creator Ryan Murphy reveals original finale with Cory Monteith

There was never any doubt that Glee's sixth and final season would require a dramatic change of plans following the death of series' star Cory Monteith (who played the role of Finn on the show). Series creator and writer Ryan Murphy revealed how he originally envisioned the series ending as part of the year-end issue of Entertainment Weekly. Murphy has claimed during other interviews that he "always knew how it would end," but surprised fans and readers when he declared during his EW piece that Finn was "both the beginning and the end of Glee."

The plot is probably best described by Murphy himself:

"At the end of season six, Lea's Rachel was going to have become a big Broadway star, the role she was born to play," he described during the article. "Finn was going to have become a teacher, settled down happily in Ohio, at peace with his choice and no longer feeling like a Lima loser. The very last line of dialogue was to be this: Rachel comes back to Ohio, fulfilled and yet not, and walks into Finn's glee club. 'What are you doing here?' he would ask. 'I'm home,' she would reply. Fade out. The end."

The show's actual final season is scheduled to run into 2015. There's no word on how it will actually end, especially considering that Season 5 won't end until February 25. It could be theorized now that Season 6 will revolve around Rachel getting a gig on Broadway, but would Ryan have given away that much of a scoop a season early? Fans of Glee will have to wait and see.

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