The story of Glen Campbell that was presented in the Oscar-nominated documentary I'll Be Me was both sad and beautiful but it looks like things may become simply depressing in months to come, as his eldest children have filed a petition to assume control of the country icon's medical and financial decisions away from his wife Kim Campbell (from The Boot).
Some of the allegations made against Kim in the petition, filed by Debby Campbell-Cloyd and Travis Campbell, are distressing. They claim that several of Glen's children aren't included on an approved guest list for the assisted living facility where he currently resides, and that they have all been "prohibited from participating in his care and/or treatment." Others claims are even more problematic, such as charges that Kim herself rarely visits and doesn't provide him with toiletries or clothing.
His wife responded, acknowledging the allegations that she doesn't visit frequently enough but suggesting that her actions were for his own mental well-being.
"It is crushingly sad to see him afflicted with Alzheimer's, but indulging those feelings does not help him," she said. "I am his wife, and no one wants him home more than me, but I must do what is in his best interest."
She did not respond to claims that she was not providing for his basic needs.
Everything seemed to be swell between the two parties within the documentary and during the recent awards season. Kim took to the podium at the Grammys pre-ceremony to accept the trophy Best Country Song (for "I'm Not Gonna Miss You") on his behalf, and she thanked the Academy as well as giving friendly acknowledgements to all of his children, noting that it's what Campbell himself would have done if he could attend.
It's unfortunate to hear that the relations behind the scenes aren't nearly as friendly as we had been led to believe, especially with the drama surrounding Casey Kasem fresh in our minds.
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