Seemingly as soon as they appeared, hip-hop production duo TNGHT—featuring Hudson Mohawke and Lunice— has gone on hiatus, according to Lucky Me, the label on which the pair were signed.
The group posted a video on YouTube last week that featured a series of images, ending with a clip of the pair saying farewell to fans after a live show. The description of the clip on thew site merely stated "Until Next We Meet." TNGHT followed that by changing the image on its Facebook page on Friday. What had been the group's bright, white half moon logo became a more clouded version of the same image. That image was accompanied by the message "Until Next Time..." The label added to the mystery, tweeting on Saturday a link to the YouTube video with the description "Waning Moon Last NGHT" and then a clip of animated Optimus Prime's death with the description "Do Not Grieve..."
Many theorized that the group was finished, but a spokesperson for Lucky Me confirmed Monday that the pair was merely going on a hiatus in order to focus on solo work. Hudson Mohawke recently released a new song, "Structures." There's no word on how long the break would last.
TNGHT has garnered much critical attention despite having only released on EP during its five year existence. The duo garnered the endorsement of rapper Kanye West, and co-produced the single "Blood on The Leaves" from the emcee's most recent album, Yeezus. The pair also made appearances at music events such as the Coachella Music Festival.
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