Joe Giudice May Film Next Season of 'RHONJ' While Teresa Is in Prison

Would Joe Giudice actually consider being a part of Season 7 of RHONJ without his wife? By now everyone knows Teresa Giudice has been locked up in prison until next spring as punishment for her fraudulent business dealings. Joe will be doing nearly four years of federal time once Teresa is released, but for now he is left to care for their four daughters. We already have heard that he is struggling financially because his wife has been the breadwinner over the last few years, and while some say it is unlikely that he would do reality television alone, nothing is solid yet.

In fact, some seem to believe Joe filming Season 7 of The Real Housewives of New Jersey could benefit everyone. It would give him the financial resources to take care of his kids and Bravo would likely get some pretty interesting footage. Even if Joe was father of the year, these kids would be missing Teresa horribly. We know he has never been that invested in family life, so Bravo would likely pull in viewers who are curious to see how on earth he will handle the responsibility his wife used to carry alone.

On the downside, bringing cameras into the family home now could traumatize the kids even more. Anytime oldest daughter Gia Giudice posts something even slightly emotional on her social media, the press is all over it. We already know she is struggling without her mother, so would it be right for Bravo to invade her space now just so Joe can get paid?

Will you tune in to Season 7 if Joe really does decide to cash in and film the show without his wife? Now that she has been away from the reality television whirlwind for a few months, do you think she views it any differently? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below.

Teresa Giudice jail, Gia Giudice
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