Run the Jewels Involved in Altercation with Crazed Person at SXSW

Know how we know that South By Southwest (SXSW) is in full swing in Austin already? We've already had our first major altercation take place, this one pitting the New York hip-hop duo Run the Jewels against a person who rushed them on stage at the Spotify House. Security responded promptly and basically destroyed the guy, which would have probably made rapper Action Bronson proud.

According to people on site that have been reporting on the happenings via Twitter, a man jumped on stage and went right after El-P and Killer Mike. As you can see from the video uploaded by Twitter user @Frank808s below, the man wasted no time trying to throw punches at the two and security tried jumping in between.

Below are some tweets from people that were on site, shedding a bit more light on what may have gone down:

Run the Jewels had a massive 2014 and are perhaps the busiest group at SXSW this year, with performances at showcases nearly every day. Quite an interesting start to the week for them, nearly being attacked by a crazed fan. We all know it is hot out there and the free booze is flowin', but try and control yourselves, everyone.

Watch the video for their song "Lie, Cheat, Steal" below:

Run The Jewels, SXSW, Spotify
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