Madonna Details Dream Date With Drake, Being Too Shocking For Obama & 25 More Things Fans Might Not Know [WATCH]

Yesterday we learned a lot about Madonna's sex life when she played Never Have I Ever with Justin Bieber. Now the Rebel Heart singer opens up in the upcoming issue of US Weekly about a number of other things fans might not know about her. In an extended Q&A, she revealed her feelings on her hometown, what she would do with Drake on a date, which ex she would want to be stuck with on a desert island and much more. Here's some of what we learned.

1. Her all-time favorite Madonna song is "Bitch I'm Madonna"
2. The Madonna song she is most sick of is "Material Girl."
3. She dislikes mushrooms and escargot. "It tastes like snot - expensive snot."
4. She has no fond memories of growing up in Michigan
5. She would like to meet President Obama. "He probably thinks I'm too shocking it be invited to the White House. If I were a little more demure. If I were just married to Jay Z."
6. She would never be caught wearing a fur bikini.
7. If she could go on a dream date with Drake, she would kiss him.
8. Her most embarrassing moment was falling off the stage at the Brit Awards.
9. If she were on a desert island, she would rather be stuck with Dennis Rodman than Vanilla Ice "because he has a better sense of humor, and if he ran out of clothes, he could wear mine."
10. Her best memory of Michael Jackson was getting him drunk at the Ivy in Beverly Hills. "I was driving my Mercedes. I was like, 'Come on I dare you.' And I threw his sunglasses out the window. He was a very shy person, so getting him to laugh was always my favorite moment."

The other fifteen items will be revealed when the magazine hits newsstands this Friday.

Are you surprise by Madonna's answers? Sound off in the comments section below!

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