The highly anticipated Entourage movie has unveiled its official trailer for the film that will hit theaters on June 5. Besides getting a better idea of the drama between Ari Gold, Turtle, Johnny Drama and Vincent Chase, the film reveals the star-studded list of cameos coming from athletes, celebrities and musicians that have been a hallmark of the series throughout its time on air. The musicians who will be represented in the film that have been listed thus far are Calvin Harris, Pharrell and T.I.
Each of their roles aren't known exactly yet, but from the initial teaser and the little information Harris gave, it is believed he will star in the film within the film Aquaman and is an evil DJ who runs into trouble with the law, presumably who Vincent Chase has to track down and bring to justice. Keeping with the theme of electronic music, YOGI's single with Pusha T "Burial" soundtracks the trailer.
As for the other two, we don't have much information on what roles they will be playing, but T.I. has become a bigger player on the big screen in the past few years. He was a star character on the Showtime series House of Lies that stars Don Cheadle and Kristen Bell, as well as taking on a role in the new film Get Hard.
Watch the trailer below via Warner Bros Pictures.
Entourage fans, get excited because the closure you have been yearning for is coming only two and half months.
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