Saturday Night Live has announced its upcoming musical guests for April. Carly Rae Jepsen will take the stage on April 4 with Birdman star Michael Keaton hosting for his third time. Mumford & Sons will follow on April 11 with Taraji P. Henson (a.k.a. Empire's Cookie Lyon) taking on hosting duties.
Jepsen will be making her SNL debut following the release of her music video for "I Really Like You," which stars Tom Hanks and Justin Bieber. "I Really Like You" is the first single to follow up Jepsen's 2012 album, Kiss, which spawned the breakout, viral single "Call Me Maybe." No word yet on when to expect a new album, but the Canadian pop star will probably reveal another single in time for her SNL performance, unless she plans on playing a more obscure track from last record.
Mumford & Sons also recently dropped a new single called "Believe." It will be featured on their new album Wilder Mind, the band's follow-up to 2012's Babel, due out May 4. April 11 will be the UK rockers' first appearance on the show since September 2012, when they performed "I Will Wait" and "Below My Feet" and appeared in a sketch called "Four Guys In London."
This will be Henson's first hosting gig on SNL. The Empire star is hilarious as Cookie Lyon and has also played comedic roles in films like Think Like A Man. Although the cast of SNL already spoofed Empire earlier this year, they'll likely conceptualize another parody for Henson's episode. The FOX star recently stopped by Late Night With Seth Meyers and gave a taste of a few characters that she can do well, including a diva, a spoiled little girl, and a drunk grandma. We certain she has even more voices in her arsenal that will suit some live sketches.
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