Tokyo Police Club has announced the follow-up to 2010's Champ. Entitled Forcefield, the upcoming effort is due out March 25 via Mom + Pop. Along with the announcement, the band shared the album's first single "Hot Tonight," as well as the full tracklist, the single's cover and upcoming tour dates.
As Pitchfork notes, the album was produced by Doug Boehm and bassist David Monks, who explained the album's genesis in a press statement saying, "Since writing started for Forcefield in mid-2011 there have been so many trends and every kind of 'wave.' We saw them all come and disappear or change into something broader. It left us wanting to make something that would last. We ended up rediscovering energy and guitars and simple, direct songs. There was certainly a lot of pressure to take the music somewhere new and there were lots of opinions about how to do that, but in the end we blocked all that out and followed our instincts. I think that's what Forcefieldis-it doesn't matter what else is going on out there, the music just has to be honest and have a real feeling to it."
Leading up to the album announcement, Tokyo Police Club dropped the song "Argentina (Parts I, II, II)" as a teaser. The track will also be featured on the upcoming release.
Check out "Hot Tonight," "Argentina (Parts I, II, II)" and the full tracklist here. Let us know what you think in the comments section below!
Forcefield Tracklist:
01. Argentina (Parts I, II, III)
02. Hot Tonight
03. Miserable
04. Gonna Be Ready
05. Beaches
06. Toy Guns
07. Tunnel Vision
08. Through the Wire
09. Feel the Effect
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