Fans of The Real Housewives of Atlanta know that for the longest time there has been no love lost between Phaedra Parks and Kenya Moore. The two have fought for years, primarily because Parks believed that Moore was trying to hook up with her husband, Apollo Nida. Even when Nida admitted that he had lied to her about Moore's intentions, Parks still didn't want to believe that it was true. Instead she refused to apologize to Moore who completely broke down on camera. She had been dubbed the "whore" of the group and even when it all was proven to be a lie, Parks didn't seem to want to correct herself and apologize for the damage that she had done. It seemed pretty hopeless until the whole RHOA group traveled to Manila on a peace-finding trip.
The last few episodes have focused on different ladies trying to patch up their differences and it really seemed like the rift between Parks and Moore was way beyond repair, until one surprising conversation. Moore has been asking for a one-on-one talk for quite awhile and it took some time, but finally Parks was ready to really bury the hatchet.
"You have asked for a lot of one-on-one conversations, but I was in a place of being angry. I was very hurt by what had transpired because really when we first met, we were working on a friendship. When all this crazy stuff started happening, I was hurt. I mean, and you know, hurt people do things to hurt others sometimes. At the end of the day, I can't change the past. I can only move forward, and I'm ready to move forward." explains Parks in the preview clip for Sunday night's show.
It seems like from this point on a proverbial line has been drawn in the sand and these two are actually working towards a decent friendship. It almost makes sense because they do have something in common, both Parks and Moore were manipulated by Nida and now that he is locked away for the next seven-plus years it is obviously easier to iron things out for the greater good.
It really did seem like Parks was never going to actually apologize to Moore for her hurtful comments, didn't it? Are you surprised that she finally stepped up and did it? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!
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