Above & Beyond Channel 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' In 'Peace Of Mind' Music Video

UK trance trio Above & Beyond have shared the next movie inspired music video for its recent artist album We Are All We Need. The new visuals for "Peace Of Mind," featuring the angelic voice of frequent collaborator Zoë Johnston, draws on the critically acclaimed 2004 film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Just as in the original film, where Jim Carey and Kate Winslet erase the painful memories of each other after a tough breakup, we see the male protagonist go through the same procedure.

As the memories of sadness, irritation and eventually happiness get erased from the man's memory, we see them replayed one last time ranging from the good to the bad with fights over dinner and intimate moments cuddling in a field.

Many of the similar scenes are recreated including the iconic frozen lake scene that is the cover of the film. Eventually it appears that things will end happily ever after with a clean slate on the beach. Watch the video below.

"Peace Of Mind" follows the visuals to fellow We Are All We Need single "All Over The World," which was influenced by Catch Me If You Can.

The trio just wrapped an extensive 30-date North American tour that took them all across the country to cities like Los Angeles, Philadelphia, El Paso and elsewhere. They now head over to the UK and South Africa for a few shows before getting some time off before the beginning of the busy festival season. Their third artist album We Are All We Need was released on Jan. 20 this year. It does not have the high-profile features that we have seen other acts put together for its album but the vocal efforts of Alex Vargas and Zoë Johnston stand tall with the best of them.

Above & Beyond
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