Ad-Rock on 'Late Night With Seth Meyers': Adam Horovitz Gets Goofy During Interview

Horovitz looked to be in really great spirits thanks to some wine he stole from backstage. The rapper tore through the interview like a pro, never actually reaching a point to promote his new movie. Instead, he promoted Diesel's XXX film (good for when you're drunk or high, Horowitz said) before shutting down rumors that the giant action star was a break dancer for the Beastie Boys.

Before he let Horovitz go, Meyers decided to play a game with the rapper. Co-star Ben Stiller finished a few Beastie Boys lyrics while on the show recently promoting the film, so Meyers wanted to test Horovitz's knowledge of the actor's movies. The pair talked about Zoolander for a bit, and Meyers relayed that his bandleader, Fred Armisen, has a role in the upcoming sequel.

"Yeah, I didn't get the call for that," Horovitz joked.

Check out the interview below.

While We're Young has received positive reviews from multiple outlets.

"Stiller is killer at blending wit with physical comedy. His scenes with the gifted Driver, playing a careerist in hipster's clothing, escalate into generational comic warfare of a high order. Though Baumbach lets his themes run off course as the film progresses, he sure as hell touches a raw nerve," Peter Travers wrote for Rolling Stone.

Ad-Rock, Adam Horovitz, Beastie Boys
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