The family of the late Selena Quintanilla recently revealed a new project called Selena The One, a hologram tour of Selena that is due to kick off in 2018. Her sister, Suzette Quintanilla, is ensuring everyone that this new project is not "creepy or weird."
In a recent interview with Billboard, Suzette expressed how enthusiastic her family is for this new project. "By no means is this something that's creepy or weird," Suzette explained. "We think it's something amazing. A lot of the new fans that did not get to experience what Selena was about hopefully will be able to get a sense of her with this new technology that's going to be coming out."
Suzette revealed to Billboard that Acrovirt, the Nevada-based company behind this project, approached the Quintanilla family to discuss the idea of a "Selena Digitized Human Essence." Reportedly, the family agreed to move forward following multiple meetings.
"I'm excited at the fact that she will be the first-ever and the fact that she's a Latina makes it even more awesome," Suzette told Billboard. She added that the technology is, "so interesting and mind-blowing that we just felt as a family that this is definitely something we'd want them to do with Selena."
The family of Selena met with the company behind the hologram of Tupac Shakur at Coachella in 2012. The family's plans with AV Concepts fell through, because they felt the Selena projection was "not real enough and almost cartoon-ish," Suzette told Billboard.
Suzette cautioned in her interview that the hologram is not about "replacing Selena in any shape, way or form, it's just something to help her legacy continue growing," she explained.
On Suzette's official Facebook page, she maintains a relationship with the fans of her late sister. On the anniversary of Selena's death on March 31, she wrote: "Thank you so SoOO much everyone for showing tremendous love for my sister Selena. 20 Years today she lost her life but today her legacy lives on in each of you.... Wearing my red lipstick today for her!!!! Go and Enjoy your day with your loved ones, hug them and say you love them!! Besos!!"
Selena The One will launch April 16 2015. Acrovirt is hosting an Indiegogo Campaign to raise $500,000.
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