The unlikely duo of Dennis Haskins and Shooter Jennings will be releasing an oddball 7-inch record, Belding Blues, for Record Store Day. Haskins, known for his zany principal role of Mr. Belding on Saved by the Bell, jumped at the opportunity to work with the outlaw country artist. Shooter, the son of Waylon Jennings and Jessi Colter, is no stranger to participating in Record Store Day--he's collbaorated with Billy Ray Cyrus, Mick Foley and Ron Jeremy in the past.
"Shooter's manager had called me looking for another artist, and I kind of went, 'What about Shooter and I working together?'" Haskins told Rolling Stone. "I gave him some ideas of what I usually do at karaoke, and then I sent a voice recording of me singing Kris Kristofferson's 'For the Good Times' in the Ralph's parking lot; I had to show him what I could do."
Jon Hensley, Jennings' manager and president of Black Rock Label, sent the recordings straight to Jennings and the rest is history. The two met up at a local Los Angeles karaoke bar, Dimples, where Hastings belted out "What a Wonderful World."
"I've done weird sh-t with, like, Ron Jeremy before, so of course I wanted to do something with Dennis. And, you know, I'm 35, I grew up with Saved by the Bell, so it's nice to get a text from Mr. Belding every once in a while," Jennings told Rolling Stone.
Belding Blues is one of four albums Black Rock Label plans to drop for Record Store Day on April 18--listen to Dennis Haskins belt out some notes below.
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