Fall Out Boy 'Uma Thurman' Music Video: Contest Winner Parties with Band for 24 Hours

Fall Out Boy: Uma Thurman

For "Uma Thurman," Fall Out Boy gave a fan "Sarah" the job of being their assistant for 24 hours. Though the task sounds like it would be filled with busy work and lugging around equipment, FOB made the experience a whirlwind for her. Her day included typical assistant tasks like grabbing coffee and shopping for the band, but she also got to play paintball, experience zero gravity with Pete Wentz, sing karaoke with Patrick Stump and party backstage at a concert.

Oh, and run over anti-gay marriage laws with a frickin' tank.

Brandon Urie and Big Sean were along for the ride too, because why not?

The concept behind "Uma Thurman" was to give a little inside peek into the band's life, which Fall Out Boy explained in the YouTube comments:

"when people ask us what life is on the road or backstage- i always think of how they picture it in their head. that was the intent of the uma video to deliver fly on the wall look into our life backstage and at home only on steroids. not only did we want to show what it was like, we wanted to bring someone into our world so they could experience it too.

fall out boy has always been based on inclusion. if you dont fit in anywhere else you can fit in here.

Ps - we hope you can support the very special message at the end of the video."

Watch the full video for Fall Out Boy's "Uma Thurman" below:

Fall Out Boy
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