'RHONJ' Amber Marchese Battling Second Round of Breast Cancer

Every once in awhile the fluff that surrounds Bravo's Real Housewives franchises is traded in for something real. Unfortunately, it's The Real Housewives of New Jersey's Amber Marchese that is being forced to deal with an all-too-familiar medical condition. Marchese has used the show to speak out about breast cancer awareness and after five years of being in remission, the reality star learned a few days ago that her cancer has indeed returned.

Marchese shared with fans that she was going to have surgery last Monday to remove a mass that she had found in her breast and within a few days the worst was verified. Marchese's rep confirmed the results saying "Amber recently underwent surgery for a lump on her breast with the results confirmed: Amber has cancer and she will begin treatments and doctor visits for the weeks to come," according to a report by Radar Online.

Marchese is extremely religious and is openly leaning heavily on her Catholic faith to bring her comfort as she deals with cancer for a second time. When she was diagnosed six years ago she was 31 years-old with very small children. Now her kids are all in elementary school and we have to wonder how that will affect Marchese's battle this time around. There's probably a big difference when your kids actually understand that you're fighting a life-and-death battle, don't you think?

Marchese is a fitness fanatic and is probably in just about the best shape of her life right now. That really does help to drive home the point that a cancer diagnosis really can happen to anyone. Do you think that the reality star will choose to return to the Bravo show or is she more likely to sit out season 7? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

RHONJ, Bravo, Reality tv
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