Although he's the dinosaur-whispering star in upcoming film Jurassic World, Chris Pratt met his dino trivia match in Noah Ritter, the enthusiastic ginger-haired "Apparently" kid who's interview video went viral on YouTube.
The Gaurdians of the Galaxy actor stopped by The Ellen DeGeneres Show to play a game of “Dino Wrong or Dino Right” with Noah, who wasn’t shy about celebrating his triumphs, exclaiming “in your face” while jumping around.
Ritter came to the show fully equipped with dinosaur knowledge about herbivores and paleontologists—his familiarity and animated reactions was apparently no match for Pratt. Noah Ritter rapidly became recognized as the “Apparently Kid” due to the excessive amount of times he uttered the word “apparently” during a local news interview at the Wayne County Fair. As The Washington Post reported, Noah has been featured as DeGeneres’ guest multiple times where she learned of his passion for dinosaurs and that her PA, Robbie, is his favorite—making him the obvious choice to host the dino showdown.
After Noah cheerfully celebrated his win with one arm straight up in the air, Pratt sat down with DeGeneres to discuss what life was like living in a van in Maui—overly excited to take on $700 acting roles, notes the Hollywood Reporter. He continued to explain that the $700 lasted him an entire year.
"So then you went back to shoot this movie Jurassic World, how cool is that to go back and shoot a giant big blockbuster where you lived in a van?" questioned DeGeneres. "It's so surreal," said Pratt. "One of those weird full-circle things that happens in life. Like when I was there, I mean, I was having the time of my life, you know, at 19 years old. Just living in a car with my friend."
Pratt may have been holding back—or maybe Noah was that quick with the buzzer. Either way, Pratt displayed kind sportsmanship, that is, after he tried to jokingly push Noah away from his lectern.
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