Justin Bieber's Sincere Apology to The World: "I Hope Everyone Believed It"

Justin Bieber wants his fans to know that his public apologies are sincere.

According to E! News, Bieber opened up to Hero Magazine about what it's like to be in the public eye and that his apologies are genuine. The issue featuring Bieber hits newsstands in the U.K earlier this week and will hit the U.S, May 18.

In light of public appearances like The Ellen DeGeneres Show, where Bieber opened up about being just "human," the singer told Hero Magazine,

"I hope people felt the sincerity in my apologies. There are a lot of things that have happened in the last couple years that I'm not very proud of, and I feel a responsibility to my fans and to the public who believe in me to make it right. I hope everyone believed it--because it was honest."

Bieber may have willingly been the butt of the jokes in the Comedy Central Roast of the singer that aired last month, but he explained that it was all in good fun. In regards to the serious criticism, Bieber wants the world to know that he is older more mature now.

"The biggest difference is that I'm older," Bieber told Hero Magazine. "I was 17 when I recorded most of my last album and I'm 21 now. I've been through a lot in a public way, which gives me a much different perspective on things. I am working with producers like Kanye [West] and Rick Rubin who have influenced me and the music I listen to in a big way."

Bieber explained that his creative process is completely different than it was before. Now as an older and wiser singer, he claims to be more personal in his music and use his personal life and experiences to fuel his art. He added,

"...I'm nervous whenever I put out new work because it's such a personal journey, but I try to remember music is meant to be enjoyed-so I try to roll with it."

Justin Bieber
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