The world's longest-running science-fiction television series, Doctor Who has inspired a symphonic spectacle of the same name: Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular. And lucky for you New Yorkers, this production will be playing two shows (only!) stateside in Brooklyn at the Barclays Center.
As per BBC Worldwide, the Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular is a grand live show which sold out when it premiered in Australia. Staged for the first time on U.S. soil in downtown Brooklyn on Wednesday October 7, 2015, tickets go on sale Friday, May 8 at noon with prices starting at $50.50.
Doctor Who fans will be pleased to know the performance (presented by Vision Nine--"a group that is dedicated to create and curate events that build social, cultural and lifestyle value") will be one of the headlining events of New York Super Week, which takes over the city October 5-11 during the build-up to New York Comic Con later that weekend.
The Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular features the thrilling music from DW music writer Murray Gold, who has written music for the series since 2005. It also showcases over 100 performers--musicians and monsters alike--including the BBC National Orchestra of Wales and members of the BBC National Chorus of Wales, conducted by The Theory of Everything's own Ben Foster.
The Spectacular will be hosted by the talented Michelle Gomez, who portrays Missy, the latest incarnation of Doc's arch-nemesis, the Master. She first appeared on-screen in 2014 and returns to DW in the new season, scheduled to air on BBC America this fall.
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