Monkey Business: 'King Kong' Advances on Empire State Building Again...This Time as a Musical!

You want to know what the next big musical will be? Look for the try-out places.

Usually, they're not in the U.S. (too expensive) or U.K. (ditto, unless it's publicly-funded).

Look for the locations with the magic formula--that is, a cosmopolitan audience which somehow mirrors that of Broadway, great technical capacity married to comparatively low costs, a press intelligent and interested enough to give some useful feedback but not quite high-profile enough to act as a spoiler (either positive or negative) for the Great White Way.

Amsterdam is one such place, Toronto another, Melbourne a third. And it is from the Australian city that King Kong the musical will leap across the sea, to New York, reports the New York Times.


Broadway, Bono, The Edge
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