Jay Z Probably Bought Beyonce a 'Game of Thrones' Dragon Egg, According to Emilia Clarke

Stars... they're just like us because they love Game of Thrones. But, if you're one of the biggest moguls in hip-hop, you don't just have to watch the show every Sunday night on HBO, you can take a piece of the set home with you for your collection. At least that's what Jay Z reportedly did for Beyoncé, if Daenerys Targarean herself Emilia Clarke is to be believed.

In a new interview with Harper's Bizarre, the Khaleesi actress revealed (unsurprisingly) that her character's dragon eggs are heavy and ornate, and while she does not keep one in her house, a certain TIDAL owner "probably" purchased one for his wife.

Clarke admitted that she tried to "blag" (British speak for steal) one of the three Game of Thrones dragon eggs for herself after her character's babies hatched at the end of season one of the show, but was unsuccessful. That's when she revealed this potential juicy gift: "Apparently Jay Z bought one for Beyoncé, or something," she said. "I don't know."

And if you were wondering anything else about the eggs, Clarke unsurprisingly revealed "They are really, really, really expensive and they are really f*cking heavy and serious works of art."

Jay Z and Beyoncé aren't the only hip-hop superstars that happen to be big Game of Thrones fans - Snoop Dogg also recently revealed that he's a big fan of the sweeping drama, though he may not have the most accurate reading on things.

"I watch it for historic reasons, to try to understand what this world was based on before I got here," Snoop explained about his love of the show. "I like to know how we got from there, to here, and the similarities between then and now."

Hopefully, Beyoncé doesn't think her dragon's egg will hatch...

Jay-Z, Beyonce, Game of Thrones, Emilia Clarke
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