New Docudrama 'Soaked In Bleach' Implies Kurt Cobain Murdered [TRAILER]

Montage of Heck has been drawing rave reviews from fans and critics for its look into the introverted private life of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain...and now there's a new biopic forthcoming that suggests his 1994 suicide death was actually a murder. Soaked in Bleach will star Tyler Bryan as the vocalist, and Sarah Scott as wife Courtney Love.

The plot actually revolves around Tom Grant, a private detective hired by Love (allegedly in real life as well) to track down her husband a few days before his death. Although the film is obviously a staged drama, it will feature cut scenes to real interviews with Grant, attorney Rosemary Carroll and other sources. So it seems that director Benjamin Statler might be as onboard with Cobain conspiracies as Oliver Stone is with JFK-assassination theories.

Grant has been at the top of the message boards suggesting that Cobain was murdered for more than 20 years, suggesting that the rocker's wife had a hand in the crime. An odd conclusion to come to, considering he himself was hired by Love to investigate. Both the investigator and Statler have been quiet when approached by the press about the film.

One voice has been less than quiet regarding Cobain conspiracies, and that's Montage of Heck director Brett Morgen.

"Prior to anyone seeing this film, the 'Holocaust deniers,' as I like to refer to them, started writing conspiracy theories about my movie," Morgen said. "Now this is before anyone's seen a frame. These are people who supposedly like Kurt, I would think, and here's a movie I'm making in which we're gonna share with the world all this material about Kurt, and in fact we're not even going into the last month of his life. And so why would they then start writing conspiracy theories about my movie?"

As you may have guessed from the cast, Soaked in Bleach doesn't have the biggest of budgets and probably won't secure a very wide release. You can still check out the trailer below:

Nirvana, Courtney Love, Kurt Cobain, Brett morgen, Montage of Heck
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