Dancing Without the Band: Hit Television Show 'Dancing With the Stars' Fires Live Orchestra, Replaced by Dubstep DJs?

The hit television show that your parents probably watch will give its real-time orchestra the boot next season.

Say it isn't so.

The Dancing With the Stars band--known as the Harold Wheeler Orchestra and Singers--have been sent their final notice to pack up and move out. Instead of paying for a big band ensemble, the producers of DWTS have announced that they will replace the group with a "small electronic band" of recorded music.

If it wasn't too much for the general public to denounce live musicians, now a TV show that is, ahem, lauded for its dance routines and celebrity guest appearances is bidding farewell to their legitimacy.

It's true. Orchestras seem to be on-the-out in school curricula and mainstream music, being replaced with less-than-talented button-pushing apes.


Dancing with the Stars, Renée Fleming
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