Did Tyler, The Creator Just Announce 'Odd Future' Had Broken Up?

Enigmatic rapper, Tyler, The Creator's collective Odd Future may be finished. The group claims an alumni of various members and associated acts like Earl Sweatshirt, Frank Ocean and of course Tyler. It has been seen as one of the most influential movements in hip-hop, creating a niche counterculture within the genre and opening doors for young artists. However that legacy may all be in the past now according to a series of tweets sent out last night by the Cherry Bomb rapper, who appeared to have stated that OFWGKTA was finished.

Tyler got very sentimental, looking back on times when everything was good, but admitted that things have changed and that "its no more." Him and Earl have been growing apart recently, and this appears to be the nail in the coffin for Odd Future as each artist looks to move forward with their own solo careers. It isn't suprising since many of its members are very successful on their own and don't need a collective to help jumpstart their careers liike four or five years ago.

See the tweets below.

Tyler The Creator, Odd Future
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