Odd Future Isn't Breaking Up According To Tyler, The Creator

Last night, Tyler, The Creator got super sentimental while looking through old Odd Future pictures and shared some of those emotions on Twitter because that's what you do now. As he was reminiscing, it appeared that the Cherry Bomb rapper let slip that his collective had broken up when he stated, "although its no more, those 7 letters are forever." Unaware of the consequences of saying something like that in public, Tyler went to sleep thinking everything was all right, when in fact, fans were convinced that Odd Future was finished. He woke up this morning and saw all of the headlines and online activity. He tried to clear things up, saying that people shouldn't read into his comments, he was simply looking over some old pictures with friends.

However, he sent out a follow-up tweet commenting on that the topic of whether or not they are together that said, "that elephant is big as f*ck"

Even if Tyler, The Creator is correct in saying that the group is, in fact, still together, it appears that the writing is on the wall for OFWGKTA as the three main members, Tyler, Frank Ocean and Earl Sweatshirt, have all gone on to have very successful solo careers and are focusing on that.

Tyler The Creator, Odd Future, Frank Ocean
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