Shine Bright Baby: 'Dreamers' New Album Released July 23, Long-Awaited Full-length Debut

Shine Bright Baby released their long-awaited debut full-length album, 'Dreamers,' earlier today, July 23.

This morning at around midnight, the band tweeted, "Dreamers out now! Help us spread the word by sharing this link and changing your photo to our album artwork."

The new album features ten uplifting tracks that reflect on the love of God and its constant presence in our lives. The lead single on the album, 'Beautiful Love,' was released back in May and saw a great deal of success in both it's audio track and colorful music video release.

The new album features a guest appearance by Kevin Young on the 8th track, entitled, 'The Brave Ones.' The album also showcases the band's synth and electronic capabilities in order to create upbeat, danceable content with the capability to grab the attention of believers and non-believers alike.

"The goal of the album is that people would be like, 'I'm going to go out and do what I feel like God is calling me to do,'" said lead singer, Emily Irene, in an interview with New Release Tuesday.

The band said that fans have responded the most to the songs 'Dreamers,' 'Overcome,' and 'Beautiful Love' on the album because they can really apply these songs to their personal lives and be uplifted by them. The band explained that the album contains no 'throw-away' material. They wrote between 70 and 80 songs after they were signed, but were not satisfied with just settling. They waiting until they thought the album was exactly what they wanted before they were ready to release.

They took their time releasing the album because they knew that they would only get one shot when it came to releasing their debut album. It was originally supposed to be released in the Summer of 2012 but was pushed back in order to put the finishing touches onto the album and really perfect it. "We want the record to be accessible to and like have a worshipful feel to it. Not just like we're some young Christian band," Josh Fink, lead guitarist, told NRT. "We want it to challenge people, multiple generations. I want my grandparents to listen to it and be inspired and then I want my little brother to listen to it and say, 'That's really cool what you're doing.'"

As for the title of the new album, 'Dreamers,' the band views the idea of 'Daring to Dream,' from of their previously released single (2010) to be kind of a mission statement for them and decided that it would be a great theme for their new album as well. The band ultimately hopes that the new album is able to both inspire fans and leave them excited for more music in the further.

The band had been promoting their upcoming album on the Air 1 Club Awesome tour throughout the middle to end of May, which hit locations in California, Oregon and Washington. "For us it's the biggest tour we've been on. The amount of people that come every night is a little bit overwhelming," Emily told NRT. "We're used to hanging out with the kids afterwards. We're not used to hanging out with 1,000 kids afterwards."

In addition, the band has appeared at a number of Christian music festivals this summer, including Alive, Collide, etc., and are set to appear at other festivals during the remainder of the summer, including Kingdom Bound in August. New concerts and festivals have given the new band some great exposure, with about 90% of their audience having never really heard of them in the past. "I'd say more than 90 percent," Emily explained to NRT. "On this tour absolutely. We've never even been out here before, but because of Air1, which we love, people are singing along to 'Beautiful Love,' and it's blowing my mind."

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