Russian Police Choir performs Daft Punk's 'Get Lucky' at 2014 Winter Olympics' opening ceremony [WATCH]

Just to make the Winter Olympics in Sochi even more intense, the feared Russian Interior Ministry police force took the stage for the opening ceremony to perform Daft Punk's "Get Lucky."

Dressed in formal military-style uniforms, the singers were a mixture of rigid and funky for a performance that seems like it could've been conceived for an episode of Saturday Night Live (wonder if we'll see a parody of the performance on tonight's episode).

This isn't the first time we've seen these men in uniform perform the Summer 2013 anthem. Back in November, footage of them performing the hit spread across the Internet.

According to Laughing Squid, the choir, officially known as the Alexandrov Ensemble, also performed a rendition of "Skyfall" from the James Bond film of the same name on a Russian morning television show last year.

Watch the performance for yourself here. Let us know what you think in the comments section below!

Daft Punk
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