Electric Wizard's Acclaimed 'Time To Die' Pulled Due to Lawsuit

Metal fans who haven't quite caught up with the most well-regarded albums in the genre from 2014 might want to do so quickly, as soon Electric Wizard's acclaimed album Time To Die will soon be gone from shelves due to a legal dispute within the band. Spinefarm, the label carrying the album-which appeared on many "best of" lists at the end of last year-has agreed to pull albums from shelves, including from digital outlets such as iTunes, until the matter has been settled.

Drummer Mark Greening had quit stoner/doom outfit Electric Wizard (for a second time) during June of 2014, and then Time To Die dropped during September. According to his complaints, remaining members Jus Osborne and Liz Buckingham haven't fully paid him for his work on the album. Whether Greening is arguing for disbursement of royalties or simple performance fees wasn't clarified.

Either way, this is one of the most extreme reactions we've ever seen resulting from a lawsuit, as Spinefarm "can confirm that the album has been taken down in all major markets and is in the process of being removed in other territories."

Dang...at least the Gaye estate didn't insist on taking Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" down from iTunes during that debacle.

Robin Thicke, Marvin Gaye
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