New York City residents were mystified on Sunday afternoon as a plane flew across the sky and left a skywriting message declaring that "Justin Bieber Is a Smileophile." The social media rush to figure out just what the heck that means was instantaneous.
A "smileophile" would indicate that Bieber loves smile, although there's no evidence to suggest that the pop star is any more or less interested in smiling than the rest of us. And why New York? Bieber is far more affiliated with his current home of Los Angeles and his hometown of Toronto than the other metropolis. That being the case, it seems unlikely that a stranger would have paid for the service with the hopes of Bieber seeing the mysterious message. Based on some advertising rates that we checked out, the number of characters (26) produced by the plane would come out to a cost of around $12,500...and we can only assume there are plenty of logistical costs in the New York City area.
What we do know is this: As of today, June 15, it's been three years since we've had a new LP from Bieber. Although "Smileophile" sounds like something out of the Beach Boys' catalogue, could it be the title of a theoretical single or album coming in the future?
Stay tuned for more details as they emerge.
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