Meghan Trainor is the most recent young pop star to withdrawal from the road because of a vocal hemorrhage. The performer announced online that she'll be canceling two dates for the immediate future but didn't shy away from the fact that if recent history is any indicator, it will be months before the "All About That Bass" vocalist will be able to appear live.
"I don't want anyone worrying but I have had a hemorrhage on my vocal chords," she posted on Instagram. "Right now the doctors want me on complete vocal rest until they are healed so I have to postpone my first two shows in Atlantic City and Connecticut. I promise that I will make it up to my Megatronz. I have never missed a tour date before so this is killing me."
The cancelled dates will consist of Trainor's shows at the Borgata in Atlantic City and the Grand Mohegan in Connecticut...but expect the other four dates on her "MTrainTour" to get the axe soon. Vocal hemorrhages are somewhat the Tommy John of the music world...Sam Smith announced during April that he had suffered a hemorrhage and wasn't able to speak again until July.
Although this will be the first time Trainor has missed live dates, it isn't the first time that she's dealt with medical issues affecting her vocal cords. She reported during October last year that she needed to take a two-month rest period while she was recording debut album Title after she developed polyps on her vocal cords. Ask about a vocal malady and it seems that Trainor's suffered from it.
A more positive note, at least from your correspondent's perspective, is that Trainor fans are called "Megatronz." This is news to us, and great news at that.
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