Bobbi Kristina's Family Member Shopping Hospice Bed Pic to Highest Bidder

This might just be the saddest thing that you'll hear all weekend, in the midst of an already sad situation. We're talking about Bobbi Kristina Brown, who is currently laying in a bed in hospice care waiting for her body to give out, as all life-saving measures have stopped. Family and those closest to the 22-year-old have been visiting to pay their last respects and apparently someone that was allowed in has made use of their camera. A photo has surfaced of Brown in her hospice bed and it is reportedly being shopped to find the highest bidder. Since none of Brown's former drug buddies are getting anywhere near her, a family member is assumed to be the culprit.

TMZ was the first to report the not-so-shocking turn, saying, "It's pretty disgusting but also not unexpected ... someone is shopping a pic of Bobbi Kristina laying at death's door in a hospice. The photo was shopped to us ... we passed. It was taken earlier this week at the facility outside of Atlanta. A woman is hovering over Bobbi Kristina in the photo ... we're told it's a family member. As for who shot the photo ... we're told it's 'an extended family member.' The pic is being shopped to multiple magazines and websites, and we're told there's interest."

Unfortunately, knowing the history of bad blood between the Houstons and the Browns, this devolpment has only made tensions run even higher. The strain exists mainly because the Brown's have often tried to profit off of their connection to Whitney Houston and her money. They have been pegged by not only the media, but also by Bobby Brown himself, as a shady bunch that's not to be trusted. It won't be too surprising if a member of that side of the family is blamed for this.

Here's the real question, do you think that a tabloid outlet is going to pay top dollar for a photo of Brown on her deathbed? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Bobbi Kristina Brown, Bobby Brown
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