The Grammy award-winning new music group eighth blackbird is home to roost here in Chicago for several days, having just returned from a tour of the East Coast.
Tim Munro, the group's flutist, recently spoke with me about upcoming performances at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago on March 8 and 9, which will hold some of eighth blackbird's favorite music, including works by György Ligeti and Arcade Fire's Richard Reed Parry.
eighth blackbird will play their tour program "Still in Motion," instead of Columbine's Paradise Theatre, a staged theatrical work the group had originally intended to perform.
Matthew Duvall, the group's percussionist, recently suffered a knee injury which prevented him from participating in the work.
"It's a very physical production we had planned," Munro said about Columbine's Paradise Theatre. "We hope to bring it to Chicago next season instead."
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