Psy's Red Rolls Royce Wrecked in China; Performer Unharmed in Accident

"Gangnam Style" star Psy was reportedly involved in a car accident in Hangzhou, a city in Eastern China, over the weekend. Although the publicists for the K-Pop star didn't respond to calls for comments, all indications seem to suggest that the performer escape the incident unscathed.

The performer was reportedly traveling from an airport to his hotel when the vehicle he was riding in—a red Rolls Royce, no less—collided with a bus at an intersection. Again, no indication from media whether Psy's driver or the driver of the bus was at fault. The performer continued on his way to the hotel in a Porsche that was originally leading the way for is vehicle (yes, when you're a big-time star in China, even the security vehicles are Porsches).

The performer's tour date page hasn't been updated in quite some time, so we can't say for sure where his next tour date will be. He's not the only performer who's having big trouble in big China recently however. Just yesterday it was reported that Maroon 5 was forced to cancel its two dates in Shanghai and Beijing—or were had the dates cancelled for them—because of tweets regarding support for the Dalai Lama.

As for Psy, stay tuned for details but don't expect anything too juicy. Just seems to be another instance of wrecking a $300,000 car and walking away unharmed. Gearheads may be crying but K-Pop fans can breathe a sigh of relief.

PSY, Maroon 5
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