Eminem Raps on Caitlyn Jenner, Bill Cosby in 8 Minute Freestyle on 'Sway in the Morning'

Eminem still knows how to freestyle -- and he did just that for eight minutes straight, without a beat, on Sway in the Morning. Marshall Mathers has never been one for censorship, and throughout his "Shade 45" freestyle, he made some -- often highly offensive -- punchlines out of some of the media's trending personas, including: Caitlyn Jenner, Bill Cosby, Donald Trump, Aaron Hernandez, Miley Cyrus and more. The P.C. police was nowhere to be found.

Eminem is the executive producer of the Jake Gyllenhaal-starring film Southpaw, which hits theaters tomorrow, July 24. He went on Sway's show to promote the film, but he couldn't leave the booth without spitting a few bars. And we got more than a few. Here's the whole freestyle.

Beginning with his most outrageous lines, here's what he had to say about Caityln Jenner:

"This is a true statement / I see the b*tch in you, Caitlyn / I keep the pistol tucked like Bruce Jenner's dick
No disrespect though, not at all / No pun intended, that took a lot of balls," he rapped, before laying in on Bill Cosby.

"Awful, I made Monopoly off misogyny, sodomy / How many chocolatey Jell-O Pops could he possibly lace?
Walkin' atrocity, no wonder you scoff at me / It's still obvious I'm as off-pudding as Bill Cosby is."

Elsewhere, he calls himself a rapping Aaron Hernandez, the former Patriots tight end who was recently found guilty of murder. (And somehow works in Amanda Bynes).

"Give a fuck, it's all part of my grand design / To get Amanda Bynes to come and fucking blow me dandelion / Better watch your step, you 'bout to cross an outlandish mine / I'm what you get if Aaron Hernandez rhymed"

He slaps Miley Cyrus: "You would swear I think highly of Miley / And I respect her, the way I backhand her / Excuse my French, Montana..."

And he places Donald Trump in a precarious situation across the Mexican border:

"I'm fucked worse than Donald Trump
On Lexapro in Mexico across from a Texaco in McDonald's drunk
Broke and out of gas, busted water pump
Getting fondled up by Ronald, feeling him on his rump
Oh yeah, and me and Alyssa Milano hump"

Here are Em's two singles from the Southpaw soundtrack, "Phenomenal" and "Kings Never Die," featuring Gwen Stefani.

Em is also rumored to be replacing the late Eazy E for the N.W.A. reunion tour. You think he's the right choice?

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