Deadmau5 Calls Nicki Minaj a "Twerking Idiot" Amid VMA Controversy

Deadmau5 has decided to chime in on the VMAs controversy surrounding Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift with some inflammatory opinions of his own -- just as we have come to expect from the mouse-headed DJ.

The inescapable drama started yesterday when Minaj offended Swift when she called out the VMAs for snubbing her "Anaconda" video in their Video of the Year nominations. Swift thought Minaj was taking a shot at her, and in turn, Minaj was offended that Swift tried to turn an issue of race ito one of female solidarity.

Since then, Swift has admitted to her own misunderstanding and issued a sincere apology, which Minaj gladly accepted. Still, don't expect to the debate to end anytime soon.

Our favorite talking heads, including those with mouse ears, continue to discuss the issue. Since his controversial remarks, Deadmau5 has clarified that his tweets were not pertaining to Minaj, or anyone else, but instead to video award shows, like the VMAs, in general.

Apparently, Deadmau5 thinks pop stars, such as those nominated for the VMA's VOTY, don't contribute anything to their music videos besides just "showing up."

He then mentions video director Chris Cunningham, saying he "wins all the music videos," even though he hasn't been involved in a music video since 2006. Cunningham is perhaps best known for the bizarre videos he made for electronic producer of underground lore Aphex Twin. In 2000, He won a VMA for directing Björk's "All Is Full of Love."

Ideally, Deadmau5 thinks the people behind the scenes, like the directors and producers, should get the awards -- not the "tweaking idiot" in front of the camera. Mau5 soon clarified that by "tweaking idiot," he meant "twerking idiot," though he essentially considers the the two phrases equivalent. So, despite his ensuing denial, it seems that tweet is a blatant and offensive shot against Minaj.

But, what should we really expect?

Deadmau5, Nicki Minaj
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