Deadmau5 Agrees With Noel Gallagher EDM Criticism, Avicii Fires Back

Noel Gallagher: Waiting For Love

Noel Gallagher: beef

In one interview, Gallagher took on his fellow headliner Avicii, saying, ""I don't know anything about Avicii. I don't wish to know anything about Avicii. It sounds like an artist from the Renaissance period." Remarking that he could "save the festival" after Avicii was done.

He was not done there, commenting in a second interview that festivals were becoming "disturbing" because "if a dude in a hat and a pair of fake DJ decks pressing play on a CD player is what it's all about. That's quite a bleak future."

Gallagher knows how to get headlines with his words and draw a reaction. Avicii fell right into his trap and responded with an Instagram post with a clip from South Park, firing back, "Sounds like you're playing the wrong festival if you're at the same time dissing its entire audiences music taste you silly sausage!"

Deadmau5 loves himself a great debate on the issue of button pushing and CD-using in EDM and wrote a nice long story slamming the "CD playing dipsh*ts" who manage to climb to the top of the EDM game and garner a huge wage for their live services for only playing a CD. Read his full rant here.

Noel Gallagher, Avicii, Deadmau5
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