Eric Prydz 'Pryda 10' EP Vol. II Released Ahead Of Album [LISTEN]

The six tracks are the soft and classic progressive sound that his fans have been clamoring for over the past couple years. As Prydz has moved into bigger stages, his tracks have gotten a little bigger but there remain IDs hidden away in his hard drives that have the long builds and satisfying and detailed breakdowns that he is known for by his fans.

Most of these tunes have been around for close to five years in some form or another and it may have taken this long for the perfectionist in Pryda to get them to where he feels comfortable to release them.

"Welcome To My House" has been a fan favorite and received an edit from the man himself on the EPIC 2.0 tour.

One of the more surprising additions to the EP was "Annexet," which Prydz has not played in a live set in nearly two years and was first played in 2010 during a few shows in Eastern Europe, but received its name after the producer's gig on Christmas at Annexet, Stockholm.

"Clapham" is the second track named after the place where one of his favorite UK festivals SW4 is held.

The EP comes after the release of the Swedish producer's single "Opus," which was premiered at EDC Las Vegas and needed to get out to the fans on its own and was strong enough to be a single even up against the Eps he has been putting out.

This is the second EP Pryda has put out in a series of three Eps that will lead up to a full album release in October. Purchase the EP on Beatport.

Listen to all the tracks in the EP below and get ready for more music next month.

Eric Prydz
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