Okilly Dokilly Rocks "Nedal," Ned Flanders-Themed Metal Music

Metal bands don't tend to be the most Christian of entities, but that doesn't mean that a Ned Flanders-themed group won't be awesome. And that's exactly what we've got in the form of Phoenix's Okilly Dokilly, which describes itself as the world's only "Nedal" band.

"The name Okilly Dokilly came up and was very funny to us—we ran with it. I contacted a few friends, and here we are." said Head Ned, the band leader. "Most of us have played in other bands around our hometown. This is definitely the heaviest sounding project any of us Neds have done."

The other Neds? Bled Ned, Red Ned, Thread Ned and, uh, Stead Ned.

Granted, all of the band's music doesn't seem to be Flanders-themed. "Press Destruct Button" doesn't seem like something that Flanders himself would do (although "All That Is Left" pays tribute to the character's accursed left-handedness), nor are we 100 percent sure The Simpsons standby would enjoy the sludgy, metal sound, somewhat reminiscent of the Southwest's other metal exports High On Fire. What the band doesn't grasp about the character's taste in music, it more than makes up for in dress, as each member is featured in promotional photos wearing the combination of green sweater, pink collared shirt, glasses and, of course, mustache (one member doesn't feature the mustache, and he's conveniently shifted toward the side in all of the band's pictures).

The band will be playing its first gig in the Phoenix area during September so if you're in the region, let us know. It's somewhat ironic that the band got started in Arizona however: 35 states in the Union have a Springfield, and Arizona is one of the 30 percent that doesn't. It seems the closest town of that name is actually a suburb outside of Las Vegas, assuming it has a music venue read-didily-o to host a band as raucous as this.

It should be noted, of course, that Fall Out Boy also drew its name (if not its genre) from The Simpsons.

Fall Out Boy, The simpsons
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