Rumors circulated the Internet on Thursday concerning well-loved 90s sitcom, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, getting flipped, turned upside down, into a modern day reboot. The show's star, Will Smith, confirmed that there he'll be producing a new family show that will draw similarities from the preceding sitcom, which was misinterpreted as a full-on Fresh Prince reboot, EW reports. It wouldn't be so out of the ordinary, considering the current reboot fad with The X-Files, Twin Peaks and Fuller House on the way.
Smith's production company, Overlook Entertainment, is in the very early stages of developing the innovative series. Despite Thursday's reports of a reboot, the project will touch share similarities to the previously aired NBC series. Currently there aren't any scripts, official concepts or networks attached to the impending show.
Next year will mark the 20th anniversary of Fresh Prince's final episode but even with Smith's big-time fame; he never forgets the role that transformed a young rapper into a star. The 46-year-old stopped by The Ellen DeGeneres Show this past February to perform the theme song that leaves fans no choice other than to break out into song with, "in west Philadelphia born and raised."
The sitcom that ran from 1990 to 1996 launched Smith's career as he went onto star in the Men in Black and Bad Boys action franchises, becoming one of Hollywood's Highest Paid actors. "Every country in the world, that is the thing I am most known for. No matter how big the movies get, it's Fresh Prince everywhere," Smith explained to Graham Norton in a 20120 interview, before breaking into the theme song.
NBC Entertainment chairman Robert Greenblatt told TV Line the network was not involved with Smith's new project but would "be happy to talk to Will about it". The project is expected to be a completely independent show with different characters. Aside from the Fresh Prince-inspired series, information was announced in October concerning Smith and Fox uniting to craft a small screen spin-off of the actor's 2005 romantic comedy, Hitch. Smith will also collaborate with Tidal's Jay-Z for an Emmett Till miniseries on HBO.
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