Eric Paslay's Walmart Story

(Photo : Universal Nashville)
Eric Paslay

Eric Paslay's self-titled Universal Nashville debut hit stores on February 4, 2014. Excited, he went to his local Walmart to buy a copy. His new found fame didn't extend to the clerk!

He told reporters that he grabbed a bottle of coffee creamer and his CD before heading to the register. When he got there, the cashier didn't look like she was checking out anyone famous. He shared, "And the girl checks it out, and she looks at the record and she kinda looked at me and looked at the record and put it in the bag."

Understandably, he wanted to share his special moment so he said, "I’ve been probably been waiting over 10 years for that record to come out." Her response was, "Wow, 10 years? How did you know that?" He smiled and said, "Well, it’s my record."

She wasn't sure she bought it, so she called over every Walmart assistant over to check it out, asking their opinion.

Paslay called the experience "kinda fun."

Eric should enjoy his anonymity because before long, he won't be able to walk into a Walmart like a normal person without being mobbed!

Eric Paslay
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